
Main Index

Primary Material

Elliot, Ira. 'Performance Art: Jake Barnes and "Masculine" signification in The Sun Also Rises'. American Literature, Volume 67, Number 1, March 1995.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. 1926, rpt., Penguin Popular Classics, 1994.

Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1927, rpt., Arrow Books, 1994.

Hoffman, Frederick J. The 20's:American Writing in the Post-War Decade. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 1965.

McAlmon, Robert. Village-As It Happened Through a Fifteen-Year Period. n.d., c1924, University of New Mexico Press, rpt., 1990.

Mowry, George, ed., The Twenties: Fords, Flappers and Fanatics. Prentice Hall Inc., 1963.

Spindler, Michael. American Literature and Social Change. Macmillan Press Ltd., 1983.


Secondary Material


Bradbury, Malcolm. 'Style of Life, Style of Art and the American Novelist in the Nineteen-Twenties', in Malcolm Bradbury, ed., The American Novel and the Nineteen-Twenties, Stratford Upon Avon Studies, Edward Arnold, 1971.

Caswell, Claude. 'City of Brotherly Love-The Influence of Paris and Prostitution on Hemingway's Fiction', in J Kennedy, and R Jackson, eds., French Connection, Hemingway and Fitzgerald Abroad. St Martins, 1998. Vol. 15.

Comley, Nancy R. and Scholes, Robert. Hemingway's Genders-Rereading the Hemingway Text. Yale University Press. 1994.

Cowley, John. W. 'Bulls, Balls and Booze: The Sun Also Rises', in The White Logic-Alcoholism and Gender in American Modernist Fiction. University of Massachusetts Press. 1994.

Hemingway, Ernest. A Moveable Feast. Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1936, rpt., Arrow Books, 1994.

Irigaray, Luce. 'Women on the Market', in This Sex Which Is Not One. Translated by Catherine Porter with Carolyne Burke, Cornell University Press, 1985.

Le Vot, A. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Biography. Translated from French by William Byron. Allen Lane, 1984.

Levine, Lawrence. 'Progress and Nostalgia: The Self Image of the Nineteen-Twenties' in Malcolm Bradbury, ed., The American Novel and the Nineteen-Twenties. Stratford Upon Avon Studies, Edward Arnold, 1971.

Martin, Wendy. 'Brett Ashley as New Woman in The Sun Also Rises', in Linda Wagner-Martin, ed., New Essays on The Sun Also Rises. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Massa, Ann. American Literature in Context IV 1900-1930. Methuen and Co., 1982.

McAlmon, Robert and Boyle, Kate. Being Geniuses Together. Michael Joseph, 1970, rpt., the Hogarth Press, 1984.

Mizener, Arthur, ed., Scott Fitzgerald and his World. Thames Hudson, 1972, rpt., 1987.

Plath, James. 'The Sun Also Rises as "A Greater Gatsby"-Isn't It Pretty To Think So?"', in J Kennedy, and R Jackson, eds., French Connection, Hemingway and Fitzgerald Abroad. St Martins, 1998. Volume 15.

Rood, Lane K. American Writers in Paris 1920-1939. Gale, 1980.

Rudat, Wolfgang E. H. 'Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises: Masculinity, Feminism and Gender Role Reversal'. American-Imago Studies in Psychoanalysis Culture. 1990. Volume 47, part 1, pp 43-68.

Rudat, Wolfgang E. H. 'Sexual Dilemmas in The Sun Also Rises: Hemingway's count and the education of Jacob Barnes'. American Literature, Volume 8, 1989, pp 2-13.

Sedgwick, Eve. Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire. Columbia University Press. 1985.

Sipiora, Phillip. 'Vampires of the Heart', in Sara Deats and Langretta Lenker, eds., The Aching earth: Family Violence in Life and Literature. Plenum, 1991.

Wasiolek, Edward. 'The Sexual Drama of Nick and Gatsby'. International Fiction Review, 1992, Volume 19, pp. 14-22.

Wiser, William. The Crazy Years-Paris in the Twenties. Thames and Hudson. 1983.

Woods, Gregory. 'The Injured Sex: Hemingway's Voice of Masculine Anxiety', in Michael Worden and Judith Still, eds., Textuality and Sexuality-reading theories and practices. Manchester University Press, 1993, pp. 160-172.

Veblen, Thorstein. The Theory of the Leisure Class. Macmillan, 1899, rpt., Dover Publications, 1994.